Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Who won the Power of Veto? (Day 30)
If you missed it, earlier today Erica (who is Head of Household) chose to put up Merron and Ryan, largely with the purpose in mind of eliminating an easy target. She doesn’t want any more blood on her hands moving forward and with that, she feels like the best way in which to do that is just getting rid of people who no one is fighting for all that hard. If one of them wins said Veto, things get a little more interesting. Otherwise, maybe there’s a little bit of a debate over the vote, but we don’t exactly expect too many power moves. Merron has been fairly passive as a player while nobody really seems to be taking Ryan all that seriously.
When the dust settled tonight, though, it turned out that the Power of Veto was none other than … Johnny! We don’t really think that he needed to win this given that he wasn’t going to be a replacement nominee. Yet, doing this probably does offer him a chance to prove some trust to Erica, which is an opportunity you do have to relish within the game. He is going to be able to keep the nominations the same if that is what she wants, and either Merron or Ryan will for sure leave this week. That’s not one of the most exciting scenarios out there, but it happens every now and then with this game.
The one thing that could be exciting is that it feels like this is going to be a pretty close vote. There’s a case to take out Ryan as a little bit more of a competition threat. Yet, there is also a case to eliminate Merron in that anyone who goes up on the block against him likely goes home. Taking out the permanent pawn (or perma-pawn, if you will) is a valid strategy for giving yourself a much better opportunity to stay down the line. If Merron goes now, what would be interesting is that it removes all gate-crashers from the season pretty early on.
We’ll hopefully get a better sense of the state of the house come tomorrow.
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