The Big Bang Theory season 11 episode 18 video: How Bill Gates arrives

The Big Bang Theory season 11 episode 2

Thursday night’s The Big Bang Theory season 11 episode 18 is going to be a story like no other. After all, this installment will feature Bill Gates making a cameo appearance as himself; with that, he joins the ranks of some many other geek icons who have been a part of the series at some point over the year.

So how is Gates going to be a part of this episode? The sneak peek below reveals that it is actually Penny who is going to be meeting him, as his foundation is looking to team up with the pharmaceutical company that she works for in order to make a number of low-cost vaccines for countries that need it the most. (Clearly, this episode is a way for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to become a part of the story as much as Bill is himself.) Beyond just that, this episode should also provide an opportunity to see some of the guys completely nerd out over someone who they consider to be a hero of theirs. Leonard wants to hug Gates, but it’s safe to say that this is something that Bill isn’t quite into nearly as much.

In addition to the sneak peek, we’ve also got another video below that features Gates himself talking about being a part of the show and what made him so excited to take on the gig. Johnny Galecki and Kaley Cuoco also talk about their experiences working with the Microsoft icon — Kaley joked that he actually had better timing than Johnny did, and mentioned that the group photo that the entire cast took was one of the most exciting ones in show history. (Given how The Big Bang Theory really gets all of the best guest stars, it’s not all that hard to figure out why they would be excited.)

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