Timeless season 2 episode 4: how will Wyatt’s wife coming back change everything?
When Wyatt confirmed it, our heart sank knowing that this was now going to a love triangle that would leave us confused. We are positive the writers will make Jessica someone who is sweet and not at all worthy of our dislike. However, we think fans will continue to cheer on Lyatt.
Starting on the next new episode, things will be awkward for Lucy and Wyatt. They barely got their relationship started and the have to halt their exploration of anything potential between them. We also have to keep in the mind the emotional struggle Wyatt is going to be having with himself. He’s always loved Jessica but he fell in love with Lucy. So there’s going to be a debate going on in his head, not too mention how Jessica went from being dead to alive. He’s tried before to try and prevent her death, but was unsuccessful, so what made the difference? Hopefully, we will get some answers to that as the season continues.
Overall, there will definitely be a change. The Time Team will still get their missions done, but there may be some tension between Lucy and Wyatt. It’s going to be an interesting ride from now on and we are very excited to see how the writers are going to handle this newly-formed love triangle.
Timeless airs Sundays at 10 p.m. on NBC. For more news related to Timeless, be sure to visit this link.
This story was written by Samantha D’Amico. If you want to follow her on Twitter, you can do so at SAM_iamXO.