Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Complete chaos or close to it (day 25, morning)

Big Brother Canada 6 premiere

In the aftermath of the Big Brother Canada 6 Veto Ceremony on Tuesday, our early expectation was that we were going to be seeing a battle like no other with Veronica on one side and Erica on the other. We didn’t quite get that, but we did get some other juicy drama in a different way.

Here are just a few interesting things from last night that are intriguing at present.

1. The Five’s Company alliance (if it’s really even an alliance) meeting so that Veronica could pitch sticking around to them.

2. Erica later taking what she knows about said alliance and then blowing it up to other people — presumably, this could be how Johnny justifies his vote to send home Veronica in the event that he decides to go in this direction.

3. Ali, Olivia, and Erica doing their best to offer Paras “reassurance” that they would look after her.

4. Kaela later coming in and blowing up Paras’ game to Ali, Erica, and Olivia, making it clear how hard she fought to save Jesse and how much she’s been campaigning in order to save Veronica.

5. More recognition that Kaela and Derek are the swing votes at the moment who could determine much of everything for this week.

6. Ryan being hilariously shut out of every conversation.

7. Johnny being upset that his status in the game is becoming as public as it is.

8. Paras trying to run damage control over just about everything.

9. Merron being the forgotten nominee without any really doing anything of relevance to him. It feels more like there are votes coming either for or against Veronica than anything to do with him. At the moment, it just feels like he’s kind of there.

At the moment, we’re leaning more towards Veronica going just because she’s the sort of player much more inclined to get herself in trouble. However, it’s still early and with that, there are plenty of opportunities still for there to be even more chaos within the game.

Related Check out some other updates from the live feeds!

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