Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony results (day 24)
In the end, Erica decided to use the Veto on Maddy, and then nominate Veronica in her place, effectively meaning that either her or fellow gate-crasher Merron will leave the game on Thursday. What is so interesting about these choices is that them arriving late to the game feels almost ancillary as to why they were put on the block. This seems to be a little bit more about some of their actions in the game and the people that they chose to align with. Also, Veronica’s behavior has made her more of a target in the game than almost anything else.
We will say this: Veronica has handled being on the block a little bit better than we thought. While she’s vented a little bit about Erica, she’s also gone up to her personally and said that it doesn’t have to be awkward between them. She’s also had a close conversation with Johnny (who is also super close now with Erica, Ali, and Olivia, not that Veronica knows the full extent of that) in which he encouraged her to take her time before going out to campaign.
Related – Check out some other updates when it comes to the Big Brother Canada feeds!
One other interesting tidbit from this afternoon is that the entire house seems to be on slop punishment now for a series of different violations. This is the sort of thing that seems to happen at one point or another every single season, so we’re not altogether shocked that it took place in this house. Over time the players start to get a little bit complacent and start violating rules; with that, this is production’s way of reminding them who’s in charge. They’ll shape up and everything will become normal again in due time.
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