Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Is the Veto getting used? (day 23)

Erica Hill

Is the Veto being used in the Big Brother Canada 6 house this week? While at one point we had our doubts, it does now appear as though the tide is about to turn.

To be specific, Maddy and others continued their campaign hard to Erica, and as of the end of last night she seemed to be pretty much intent on using the power in order to nominate Veronica as a replacement nominee. Veronica versus Merron on the block would interestingly be the two new players going head to head against each other, though ironically it didn’t come about in the way that so many people first discussed that it would. For awhile, it felt like most of the impetus to make this move was based just on taking out the two unknowns; now, everyone knows Veronica and have determined that she’s dangerous in the game.

For Erica, she doesn’t seem to like that Veronica thinks that she is this badass within the game — a role that she is trying to occupy. To go along with that, she also thinks (rightly) that Veronica is behind the hinky vote to keep Jesse and doesn’t like that she lied about it.

What’s a little interesting here is that both Veronica and Will seem to be completely out of the loop at the moment and think that they’re both perfectly safe this week, which really isn’t all that close to being true. That’s why we are actually starting to think that it would benefit Will in particular if Veronica did leave, given that it would put his head back into the game. This is not a Jon / Neda alliance that can be under the radar and go far into the game. Veronica is far too much a wrecking ball within the game, inflicting chaos at largely every turn.

Related Want to get some other insight when it comes to the Big Brother Canada live feeds?

Remember that on Monday’s episode, you’ll have a chance to see both how Erica won this past HoH competition and also how she is planning to nominate both Maddy and Merron in the first place.

Also, remember that while Erica may have been intent on using the Power of Veto last night in the house, that doesn’t necessarily mean she will remain intent on doing it today. Minds can change pretty quickly within this game.

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