Big Brother Canada 6 interview: Jesse Larson on eviction, Hamza, and more

Jesse Larson

Jesse Larson at one point seemed like a Big Brother Canada 6 player who was going to last for a while. He was pretty social, looked like he could win competitions, and also had a solid alliance around him in the Real Deal with Paras, Derek, and Kaela. Yet, the wrong Head of Household came into power at the wrong time in Hamza and he took advantage of the opportunity to make what he considered to be a big move.

Below, check out some of what Jesse had to say about his time in the house, who he feels betrayed by, and also how different things could have been if a different person was in power.

CarterMatt – Do you think if anyone other than Hamza was Head of Household you’d be talking with me today?

Jesse Larson – If it wasn’t Hamza there was no chance I was going on the block, even if I was in some people’s minds. Nobody would have taken the shot.

So what was going through his head then? Was this just him saying ‘I want to make a big move’ and putting your metaphorical trophy on the wall?

Absolutely. Hamza is obsessed with making the biggest move and doesn’t care about the consequences. He came in day one saying that he wanted to make a splash and absolutely this is one of the biggest moves he could make.

What do you think was your biggest mistake in the game?

Ultimately, leading up to week 3 I had a really solid relationship with Derek and Kaela. If people were receiving us as this sort of ‘Power 3’ alliance that was secretly running the game, that was absolutely my detriment.

If we’re speculating, it’s possible that if I spent less time with them and more time with other people than I might not have been perceived as that powerful. But, at the end of the day I was hanging out with them a lot and they’re good people. I’m not sure what would’ve changed.

I’m sure it’s also just really hard in the house to separate yourself from people that you like and genuinely get along with.

It’s a difficult balance, but you do need to find people who are in your corner. Being everybody’s friend in this game and talking to everyone the same amount is a pretty floater way of going through this game. I thought that our alliance was strong enough and that we all had our separate connections so that if we came together, we’d be able to stay awhile. I think that would have been the case if Hamza wasn’t HoH. I don’t regret the mindset at all.

You had this Real Deal alliance with Derek, Kaela, and Paras, and yet Paras wasn’t really attached to it by other people. What was she doing in order to mask that?

I think that we were trying to keep it separated. Paras was an essential part to the operation — she was an undercover agent. People would come up to her and tell her things because they thought she was an innocent floater. Some of the info she passed back was super-crucial so I think it worked in our favor for however long that we had it going.

I’ll give you some credit for having one of my favorite Veto speeches since maybe Mitch just in terms of stirring things up. Did you plan going into that to completely call out Hamza?

I was thinking maybe an hour or two before the Ceremony that there was a chance [Hamza] wouldn’t use the Veto on me. I did prepare a little bit but it wasn’t all prepped.

So even after Hamza won the Veto, you still thought there was a chance he would use the Veto.

Immediately after the Veto competition I did think there was a chance. I soon felt the waters moving and it wasn’t looking good for me leading up to the ceremony.

You worked your butt off trying to campaign this week. You even went up to Hamza at one point trying to play into his ego about making big, crazy moves. Had you stayed, would you have targeted him or actually worked with him?

I would’ve tried my darnedest to get him out ASAP. I wouldn’t obviously go against Daela because that’s just crazy — Derek has had my back since day 1. Still, I thought it was a super-convincing speech for Hamza because he loves his big moves. I think he was on board for that and one person in Will wasn’t.

Who do you actually feel the most betrayed by?

Yea, I think Will. If he didn’t move sides of the house and he stuck with me and Derek, we could’ve went a lot further; but, because of whatever angst Will was feeling against me, [he left]. It leaves such a bad feeling in my gut.

How much did Merron and Veronica entering the house change up your game?

Their impact was that they did get into their social circles right off the bat. If they didn’t enter the game I definitely would still be in the house. Hamza wouldn’t have had any support that he does have.


Who do you think is actually playing the best game right now?

Right now I’m thinking that Johnny has a good shot. I think it’s going to be a Daela vs. Hamza thing the next couple of weeks so somebody in the middle who has good social connections with many alliances, and is physical enough to get past the six-people, five-people mark has a good chance of winning. The closest person right now is Johnny.

If you could give one piece of advice to Derek right now, what would it be?

You have to win the next HoH or you’re screwed!!

Who are you going to keep in contact with?

From the house I do want to keep in contact with Derek, Kaela, Paras, Erica, and Veronica. Those are the main people — basically anyone I said bye to (laughs). I didn’t say goodbye to everyone.

Any interest in playing again?

Absolutely. I told them to keep my contact info so we’ll see what happens.


What’s the first thing you’re going to do when you’re done with all this craziness?

I need to catch up on my phone stuff — I’m a big social media user so I want to catch up on that stuff. I’m going to spend one more night in Toronto and then head back to daily life.

Related Check out more Big Brother Canada exit interviews!

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