Shadowhunters season 3 episode 2 preview: Can Luke, Izzy track down Lilith?

Shadowhunters season 3 spoilers

Want to know what’s coming on Shadowhunters season 3 episode 2? There are a lot of different things worth noting right away, starting with the aftermath of what took place in the premiere: Lilith now has her church and with that, she has power. She’s causing possessions and basically doing whatever she can to purge the world of her opposition from afar. What’s smart about her as an adversary is that she knows that she doesn’t always have to get her hands dirty — she can choose to do so whenever

Below, the Shadowhunters season 3 episode 2 synopsis offers up a little bit more insight into just what is coming up next:

The Warlocks’ magic is becoming corrupted by a demonic presence while Izzy and Luke try to track down more information on the recent series of possessions.

What Lilith seems to be doing effectively at the moment is coming at the Shadowhunters and the Downworlders alike from a number of different directions. There are opponents out there in the field and, beyond that, there are also some major moves in the works to cut off some of characters’ power before they can even use it. No matter where you turn at the moment on the series, there is trouble around almost every corner. We’re very much interested in seeing just how this story progresses.

Beyond just that, though, we also do want to see what is going to happen in terms of stability for some of the main relationships at the heart of Shadowhunters. For example, are Alec and Magnus going to be strong now that they’ve gotten much of what they’ve needed to off of their chest? Is Jace ever going to open up about Clary about some of what he’s going through? It is so interesting that Jace can be so bold as to take on demons with very few tools in his arsenal, but what seems to actually frighten him is dealing with something like a secret.

Related Read our full review for Tuesday night’s premiere episode

What do you want to see when it comes to Shadowhunters season 3 episode 2? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments!

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