Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Week 3 HoH revealed!
One of the things that excited us about this challenge was that, ultimately, it’s the sort of thing that is pretty unique to Big Brother Canada: Pair challenges, where in the end one person in the pair is selected between the two of them to rise to power. Erica didn’t end up picked and is immune for the week, which is probably both good and bad news for her. (It’s largely bad because the target on her back is only starting to expand and she was going to be looked at by some as a big threat this week.)
The pairs who were taking part in the challenge are Paras / Merron, Hamza / Veronica, Ali / Jesse, Maddy / Liv, Kaela / Derek, and Johnny / Will. There’s a really wasted Liv & Maddie joke wasted somewhere in here. What’s super-interesting about some of these pairings is that really weird things could happen depending on who wins. For example, what if Maddy wins and ends up targeting Liv? If Paras and Merron win, she’s got all the incentive in the world to give it to Merron and allow him to do a little bit of the dirty work for her.
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Who is the new HoH?
Hamza! Much like he said he was going to win over the past few days, he actually did and that is probably going to be entertaining. To go along with that, he’s probably got some of his targets pick out. Given that Erica is safe we imagine that both Ali and Olivia are in big trouble. The same goes for the showmance in Derek and Kaela, though Paras may push against that since she’s got that Real Deal alliance with them.
The funny thing is that Hamza actually probably didn’t need to win this competition given that he was probably going to be safe for the next week or so. Nobody really seemed to be targeting him and we think it’s better to not target someone explicitly so early in the game.
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