Shadowhunters season 3 premiere video: Jace, Clary talk resurrection secret

Shadowhunters season 3 cast

Leading up to the Shadowhunters season 3 premiere a week from tonight, we have one more sneak peek to share — and this time around, we are putting the characters of Clary and Jace in the spotlight.

If you recall, at the end of this past finale Clary made a crucial decision to save Jace’s life, but it was also a pretty controversial one to go along with it. What she did is not the sort of thing that would be celebrated by some and it’s with that in mind that she wants to keep it under wraps. Unfortunately, the thing that we’ve come to know about this world at this point is rather simple: If you keep a secret, it rarely ever works out all that well for you. Instead, bad things happen that eventually lead to this said secret blowing up and everyone getting in some trouble. All of this is a subject of the new sneak peek below (via TVLine).

As for how this said secret is going to manifest itself through the lens of the series, there is a reasonably good chance that it’s going to come in the form of Jace realizing that being back among the world of the living is going to come with some side effects. This is not the sort of world where you come back from the dead and then, almost immediately after the fact, things are suddenly okay. There are some problems that you are going to run into and that makes matters so much more difficult. If some of these issues manifest themselves at the wrong time the secret could be out without Clary or Jace saying anything at all.

Related Want to see another Shadowhunters sneak peek that puts a focus on Malec?

Hopefully by the end of this premiere episode we’re going to get even more of a sense as to what season 3 is going to look like for Clary and Jace — and we mean that not just in terms of their relationship, but also in terms of how they are going to navigate this world and some of the threats who are a part of it.

What do you want to see on the Shadowhunters season 3 premiere for Jace and Clary? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments!

Meanwhile, be sure to also like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want some other news when it comes to the Freeform series. (Photo: Freeform.)

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