MacGyver season 2 episode 16 video: Mac finds out Bozer’s secret

MacGyver season 2 episode 16

On MacGyver season 2 episode 16 on CBS Friday night, it’s not going to take very long at all for Bowser and his secret to finally come out — at least to his close pal Mac.

For a little bit more info on that, be sure to check out the new sneak peek. In this preview, you can see that Bozer is having a really hard time with the fact that Mac is going undercover pretending to be the new husband of his actual girlfriend Leanna. He and Leanna have kept the relationship for the most part under wraps, but that’s going to be rather hard for him to do on this case when he is being served up almost-constant reminders that he is not with her and MacGyver is with her instead.

Is there any real reason for Bozer to worry about MacGyver spending so much time with his girlfriend? Not really. We don’t get the sense that Mac is really all that interested in having a girlfriend at the moment, and the ones that he has had haven’t lasted all that long. This is more about the fear that Matty Webber knows about the relationship between Bozer and Leanna and with that, could end up severing any opportunity that the two have to work together in the future. It isn’t really all that hard to figure out some of the reasons why this sort of things would prove problematic for the Phoenix Foundation. These two characters could be spending so much of their time trying to help each other that they take their eyes off of the prize, even for just a split-second. That is enough to cause widespread chaos.

One of the things that you can really be excited about more than anything else with this episode is simply that it’s an opportunity to play around with relationships and dynamics that you haven’t played seen before. The preview below is also just fun! Isn’t that what you want from a MacGyver episode more than anything else?

Is there anything that you really want to see on this upcoming MacGyver season 2 episode 16 story? Be sure to share in the comments below, and we will have a full review of this episode the moment that it wraps up over on CBS.

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