Call the Midwife season 7 episode 3 review: A series of splits

Call the Midwife season 7 episode 3

One of the things that we’ve come to learn with Call the Midwife over time is that effectively, nobody is spared from a medical emergency. That includes Shelagh and Dr. Turner’s au pair Magda, who found herself at the center of some controversy over an illness.

Here is what made Magda a little bit different from most of the other characters we’ve seen over the years. For starters, she was giving herself injections and doing what she could in order to keep others from realizing what was going on with her. She was bleeding and Sister Monica Joan saw her giving herself the injection.

This story took a serious turn, but we’ll get to discussing that further in a moment.

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One of the more amusing storylines tonight was seeing the beauty pageant put on by Fred and Violet — in the present we’ve certainly seen many examples of these where they are silly and over-the-top, but this was rather sweet and, by and large, really entertaining. Many local businesses were represented and Valerie Dyer took part!

Yet, Shelagh needed to pull Valerie away when news about Magda’s condition started to come out. On the other side of that, the truth became apparent that she was pregnant and doing her best to have an abortion. Trying to save her was no easy task; more than that, Valerie have wrestled with some of her guilt over keeping Magda’s secret from everyone. Yet, she was just trying to respect her privacy.

After recovering from the abortion in the hospital, Magda made the decision to depart to Paris, where she could embark on her training in order to be a nurse. The family had grown to love her, albeit in a rather short amount of time.

What happened with Trixie and Christopher?

This story tonight became all the more emotional, as it was starting to become clear that Christopher was struggling to balance out her two different roles. She was doing her best to be a caretaker and a great love to him, but it was difficult. It’s more than Trixie knew how to handle, but she did her best. The same goes with one of the biggest cases of the episode in Doreen Lunt, a woman who was struggling with the fact that she was no longer capable of being a proper parent.

Ultimately, the shocker came at the end of the episode when Trixie broke up with Christopher, feeling as though he needed to focus on being a parent to Alexandra. She needed his attention, and she would never be okay with taking something away that she needed. Here’s the scary part: Trixie may be relapsing now judging from the drink she took at the episode’s end.

CarterMatt Verdict

Call the Midwife season 7 episode 3 was every bit as emotional as you would expect, and beyond that we had a chance to get to know and understand our core characters better. This was especially true for Trixie, who made a decision that she both struggled with now and could struggle with in the weeks to come.

What did you think about Call the Midwife season 7 episode 2? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Remember that you can also like CarterMatt on Facebook for some other news regarding the series. (Photo: BBC.)

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