McMafia episode 8 (finale) spoilers: Alex, Vadim face off
Over the course of this series, what we’ve seen is really just a case of how someone’s desire for power and notoriety can cause the entire world around them to crumble. Think about where Alex was during the earlier days of this series coupled with where Alex is now — it’s quite a notable difference! This is going to help set up what is a pivotal crisis for him in the final episode. He’s already lost a substantial amount of his life and the world he knows, and is basically just clinging to what he has left — himself. Maybe there is a chance to rebuild, but in order to figure that out there is going to be something significant standing in his way. That’s something that he will tackle over the course of the final episode.
The McMafia episode 8 synopsis that CarterMatt has for you below gives you a good sense as to some of what is coming up:
Alex arrives in Moscow ready to do business, but he’s unaware of the devastation that Dmitri’s (Aleksey Serebryakov) actions have caused – and the danger that he faces.
Alex must play the only card he has left to try and save himself, before facing a final showdown with Vadim.
This is probably the most-dangerous part of the story moving into McMafia episode 8 — the fact that Alex may know that there is some danger out there for him, but still doesn’t quite have the fullest understanding as to just how much trouble he’s really in. That’s something that will expose itself to him as the hour goes along. We do think that there is a chance the character could die, but we like to imagine he lives — even if he does, though, it’s still a rather-bittersweet ending given that there are so many other problems and issues he’ll need to take on after the showdown ends.
Just remember that McMafia episode 8 is still airing next week on BBC One (if you’re in America, the series will start on AMC later in the spring) — even though the Olympics are happening, nothing is changing in regards to the show’s schedule.
What do you think is going to happen on McMafia episode 8, and is there any one thing that you believe needs to be done in order for the series to have the perfect ending? Share now in the comments! Remember that you can also like CarterMatt on Facebook for even more updates. (Photo: BBC.)