Law & Order: SVU season 19: Philip Winchester talks arrival of Peter Stone
So why is Stone coming on board the NBC series? It turns out that the reasoning for his is far more organic than you would first assume. In a new soundbite-video below, Winchester confirms that Peter is at first arriving in New York City following the death of his famous father from the original Law & Order. He had went to Chicago as a means to escape his father’s shadow, but this unique set of circumstances — and being one of the only prominent members of his family left — find him both being in New York and considering staying much longer than he at first intended.
This is where Jack McCoy, another character from the original series, comes into play. He works to convince Stone to stick around in New York to help on a new case, one that puts Barba (Raul Esparza) in a compromised position where he could be facing harsh consequences. What’s interesting about where this story goes from here is that thanks to Chicago Justice, we know a little bit already about where Barba stands in relationship to the law. We know how he approaches cases and how he fights for the truth. He’s very good at his job and will go to the farthest reaches of the universe in order to ensure that he gets the desired verdict.
Yet, knowing all of this doesn’t mean at all that he can just burst onto the SVU scene and suddenly be everyone’s best friend. There is going to be some serious drama and trust issues that surface almost right away, and really understandably so all things considered. We’re talking here about characters who don’t know Stone like we do and don’t understand his body of work.
Also, remember that Stone is also entering this world without outsider status and may be trying to prove himself to McCoy and some of the other people within the District Attorney’s office. This could be a slightly-augmented version of the man from what we have seen on Chicago Justice in the past.
No matter what happens, everything is being set up for a compelling, contentious episode of SVU on Wednesday night.
What do you think is coming for Peter Stone on SVU Wednesday night? Be sure to share in the comments.
(Photo: NBC.)