Law & Order: SVU: Barisi named favorite ‘ship of CarterMatt readers

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Much like some of the other poll results that we’ve shared recently when it comes to the top ‘ships on TV, the results here were pretty decisive. What makes Carisi and Barba such a popular ‘ship? It stems from the magnetism that is there anytime the two characters share the screen together. We wish that it happened more often, but sometimes you have to make the most of whatever screen time that you can get. That is certainly the case here.

We also do think that there is more of a desire for LGBTQ representation on SVU — there is even a petition that is out there from fans looking to see more of that among the current cast. Given that this is a series with such a long life on TV and fans from every demographic and background, it makes sense for the desire to be there. If nothing happens with the current cast, it would nice in the future to see some recurring or regular characters added who do bring that representation to the series.

In general, we do think why ‘shipping is so popular with SVU is due in part to just how little the series shows the main characters’ personal lives. It leaves a lot open to the imagination and, as a result of that, it allows viewers to fill in the cracks with all kinds of wonderful ideas. For many CarterMatt readers, they have found something passionate and beloved in Carisi and Barba that has manifested itself now in a number of different forms. Even if the show chooses not to take the characters in a romantic connection, there are other ways in which to celebrate the two characters and the love fans have for them — take, for example, giving Raúl Esparza and Peter Scanavino more scenes together. (Obviously, we remain concerned about Barba’s future given what’s coming on Wednesday’s episode; we’re just trying to remain hopeful that the character sticks around.)

Congratulations to all Barisi fans! We’ll see what lies ahead for these characters on the series moving forward throughout season 19.

Want to get some other news related to SVU?

(Photo: NBC.)

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