Knightfall finale spoilers: Templars versus Red Knights

Knightfall episode 6

Are you ready for the Knightfall finale to air on History in one week’s time? This episode should, in theory, be a culmination of everything that has come beforehand. By the end of this episode there could be more blood, more betrayals, and hopefully a sense as to what a second season of the show could look like.

We don’t want to get too far ahead of ourselves here, though, given that an episode of TV is a long time and there’s a whole lot that could happen. You never want to assume anyone is going to make it to the end of a finale — the first season of Game of Thrones taught us that when we went into the story not knowing too much about Ned Stark from the books.

Anyhow, the Knightfall synopsis below gives you the tiniest of teases as to what’s ahead:

The outnumbered Templars fight for their lives in a battle with the Red Knights…

Did you expect a whole lot more than that? It’s hard to think that there was a way History could share too much more without venturing into spoiler territory.

For those who are interested in knowing about episode run times in advance, know this: The Knightfall finale is going to run longer than an hour. Think in terms of about eight minutes or so. That should give you a richer, deeper story that doesn’t feel anywhere near as rushed.

As for the promo below…

It gives you the sense as to apparently, what happens, when you betray France. Also, it’s bloody, violent, and epic — precisely what you would want for a final episode of the season, given everything that has come up beforehand. The one thing to remember here, though — and the one thing we do still firmly believe, is that there could be some surprises lurking underneath the surface and that the biggest moves often happen behind the scenes.

What do you think is coming on the Knightfall finale airing next week, and what are you the most worried about? Share some of your thoughts right now in the comments! Meanwhile, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook for some other insight when it comes to the series. (Photo: History.)

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