The Big Bang Theory season 11 episode 15: Wil Wheaton, Christine Baranski return

eThe Big Bang Theory season 11 episode 15

Is The Big Bang Theory season 11 episode 15 new tonight on CBS? Unfortunately, no — yet, CarterMatt does still have some information on the episode that should make many out there happy.

We’ve got for you below the first Big Bang Theory season 11 episode 15 details, and this one sounds like it will be fun. For starters, this is a chance to see some tension form between Sheldon and Wil Wheaton again over what Sheldon is probably going to feel is a snub. Beyond that, you’ve also a chance to see some really interesting drama between Leonard and Penny based on one of his new creative pursuits. Take a look below:

“The Novelization Correlation” – When Sheldon petitions Wil Wheaton to appear on the new Professor Proton show, Wil offers a role to Amy instead. Also, Penny gets angry when she thinks the female protagonist in Leonard’s novel is based on her, on THE BIG BANG THEORY, Thursday, Feb. 1 (8:00-8:31 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Christine Baranski and Wil Wheaton return to guest star.

There’s a lot to make from all of this from a number of different angles. For starters, you can wonder why Penny would be upset about this. Is it because Leonard may have based a character on her without asking in advance? That’s one theory that we’ve got at the moment. Meanwhile, another is that this character may not be in some way a reflection of what Penny thinks about herself and this could be somewhat unsettling to her. Having Christine Baranski back could give either Leonard or Penny a chance to talk through some of their issues more — after all, she’s gotten closer to Penny over time so there are a couple of different possible sounding boards here.

As for Sheldon and Wil Wheaton, do we really have to spell out why we are excited about this? Any chance to see these two characters go toe to toe is something that we’re going to be all about.

What do you want to see in regards to The Big Bang Theory season 11 episode 15? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Also, you can like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want to score additional news on The Big Bang Theory whenever you want. (Photo: CBS.)

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