Tony Goldwyn tight-lipped on Scandal Finale, Ricky Gervais’ laughs off weight gain

Scandal finale

If you’re looking for some action packed television on Thursday night, look no closer than CBS. Lately there hasn’t been as many high-speed chases on the streets of Los Angeles, but viewers can still see some amazing action on S.W.A.T. as the team takes on the bad guys. Of course not everyone is looking to watch fast cars after a long day of work, so thankfully ABC has you covered with the return of Scandal. Yep, Olivia Pope is once again in control as she helps run the White House. Compared to the current situation in Washington, it’s definitely a relief to know this character has an impending ending as this is the last season of the popular hit show.

Tony Goldwyn is tight-lipped on Scandal Season Finale

The actors of Scandal are making the rounds on the popular show as it returns on Thursday night. However, don’t expect to hear too much from the stars. Apparently, there is some unwritten code on the set and celebrities like Tony Goldwyn won’t be offering up any hints, spoilers or even possible ideas. Letting the show fans enjoy the final season, the only thing viewers really known about the ending (and everything leading up to it) is that you need to watch to find out.

The Tonight Show’s Ben & Jerry’s ice cream The Tonight Dough

Jimmy Fallon’s cool idea of giving back while having a pint has been sliced up. Quite literally. The Tonight Show’s Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, The Tonight Dough, is now available in pint slices, in addition to the actual pint of ice cream. While fans might not always watch the late night show, they can definitely support Jimmy Fallon’s charity of choice to make the world a better place. Proceeds from the ice cream sales benefit SeriousFun Children’s Network

Ricky Gervais gives a positive spin on his weight gain

Funny man Ricky Gervais doesn’t mind you poke fun at him and he’s even offering fans a little help. On the Late Show with Stephen Colbert the popular comedian explained how he made his own fat shaming campaign with a few over the top (and hilariously funny) pictures on social media. Fans, some understanding Gervais’ humor (and others just writing flaming comments) chirped in to share their thoughts. As with any Ricky Gervais interview, the jokes never stop and he’s always offering priceless amusement to the viewers.

And finally…

If you didn’t catch it, Aaron Sorkin’s food admission on Conan was hilarious on Wednesday night. The talented writer was very opinionated about his Pop Tarts.  If you want to be a real TV writer, you need to check out this funny interview where Aaron offers up the “right” and “wrong” Pop Tarts to eat. In reality, as successful as Sorkin in is the business, a wise creative soul would immediately make a grocery store run before picking up the pen and paper to get started.

This CarterMatt column was written by Jodi Jill and if you’re looking for more then be sure to head on over to the link here. Also, you can follow her on Facebook and Twitter. (Photo: ABC.)

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