Law & Order: SVU: Fin’s memo, Dodds, and a larger mystery

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Tonight’s Law & Order: SVU raised a very interesting question at the end of the episode courtesy of one simple thing with not-so-simple consequences: Fin’s memo.

For the record, we’re only calling it Fin’s because it was in his possession. It actually related back to Dodds, and most of the mystery here is twofold: How does Fin have this memo and what’s in it?

Let’s start with the former question: The main reason that Fin likely has this memo is simple: He’s well-connected. We’re talking here about a guy who has been a part of the NYPD for a long time. He knows people and the moment that he may have heard that something was going on with Olivia’s job, he probably did some digging. We know that Fin is protective of Benson; they know each other well, care for each other, and Fin is the sort of guy who feels like people earn their keep in this business. Olivia’s done that and then some. He doesn’t want someone turning up who isn’t worthy of the job — or he just feels won’t do it as well as Olivia has.

As for the question as to what’s in the memo, there are a number of different possibilities to consider here.

1. Fin has some dirt on Dodds – While we’re not sure that blackmail is always the best answer, is it possible that Fin would resort to something like this in order to make certain that his boss is safe? We certainly think that it’s possible he would if he thought that the situation was dire enough and he felt safe and stable in his own standing.

2. Fin learned that Dodds is lying – Is it possible that he was looking to replace Benson even before she was put on leave? We think that this was Fin calling him out on that.

3. There was something else about Dodds’ search that Fin wouldn’t like – Did he find something unsavory in Dodds’ statement? The thing to remember here is that no matter what was in that memo, it clearly seems like it was enough to give Fin the power over Dodds.

What do you think was in the memo on Law & Order: SVU Wednesday night? Share now in the comment.

(Photo: NBC.)

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