Shameless season 8 episode 10 preview: Is Ian’s sudden fame too much?
Is Ian’s new-found fame going to be too much for him to handle? The Shameless season 8 episode 10 title of “Church of Gay Jesus” is playing at that, and given both his history and what Showtime is saying, it appears as though he’s going to struggle under the weight of what people expect out of him.
For a little bit more on that, including how Frank gets involved in the madness, check out the Shameless season 8 episode 10 synopsis that CarterMatt has for you below:
Ian’s fame in the LGBTQIA community explodes but the sudden surge of ‘followers’ may be more than he can handle; Frank, however, finds a way to cash in. Meanwhile, Fiona struggles with her conscience when she learns about a worker who fell off her roof and Lip realizes his relationship with Professor Youens may not have been as special as he thought.
There are a couple of things about this story that are hardly a surprise. For one, the idea of a Gallagher finding himself getting in too deep. Ian probably is going to mean well, but he’s never been in a position where there are people who so intently listen to his every word. There are some good things that can likely come out of that, but simultaneously it’s also a tremendous amount of responsibility. That’s a lot for anyone to take on. If there’s one thing that the Gallaghers are not altogether familiar with, it’s responsibility and how to handle this level of fame being thrown at them. We feel for Ian since he’s going to need some help.
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As for the Fiona storyline, we feel for her just because it’s a pretty simple, morality-based story. She didn’t want anything to happen to this worker, but that doesn’t mean they live a safe life. Sometimes, mistakes and accidents just happen.
What do you want to see on Shameless season 8 episode 10? Do you think that “Church of Gay Jesus” will be a standout this season?
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