SVU midseason premiere debate: Is Sheila involved in Noah’s kidnapping?
We understand the purpose in asking the question entering Wednesday’s episode — it just makes sense given what we know about television. We’ve learned on SVU over the years that there aren’t too many people you can trust, especially when it comes to people who come out of the woodwork out of nowhere and seem to want something from one of the main characters. Benson didn’t know about Sheila’s existence still in the world until earlier this year, and while her intentions may seem good, she’s slipped up here and there with Ellie. Plus, if there was a way to kidnap Noah the only way to probably do it is to create such a false sense of security that allows Sheila to be around him alone. This is what could have created this situation, and it’s possible that Sheila hired someone else to do the kidnapping at a time in which she would look innocent.
Is this a possibility? Sure, but do we want to see it? Not so much. While it may be a big twist, that doesn’t necessarily mean that this is a twist that is good for the story or the future of SVU by any means.
Sometimes, it’s okay for things to be literal and for what we see to be an essence of reality. We don’t need to tear Sheila as a character down just for the sake of causing drama.
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Is it possible that the kidnapper is someone tied to Sheila? Absolutely, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that she is aware of them or knows what they have planned. This just may just be an unfortunate coincidence. We know already that she can have a case of loose lips, so it’s possible that she may have told someone she shouldn’t have about Noah and that person is now looking to take an element of revenge out on Benson.
One way or another, tonight’s SVU season 19 episode is going to be a nail-biter. Watch it live; we know that for us, we’ll be writing our review to publish the moment after it airs, so be sure to check back for some great discussion.
Do you think Sheila is involved in Noah’s kidnapping, or is it better to have her be disconnected to it in some capacity? Be sure to share in the comments!
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