Real Housewives of New York City star Luann de Lesseps apologizes after arrest

LuAnn de Lesseps

It didn’t take too long after her Christmas Eve arrest for Luann de Lesseps to officially release an apology for her behavior.

In a post on Twitter, the Real Housewives of New York City star didn’t make any excuse for her behavior, which allegedly included her getting into an altercation with police after a night of drinking. She kept her thoughts relatively clear and concise:

I want to offer my most sincere apologies to anyone that I might have offended with my behavior. This was my first time in Palm Beach since my wedding and being here brought up buried emotions. I am committed to a transformative and hopeful 2018.

The tweet be de Lesseps is a reference to the wedding that she had to Tom D’Agostino back in 2016 in Palm Beach, which in turn became a part of the storyline on this past Real Housewives of New York City season — to go along with rumors of his infidelity. The two parties split earlier this year, and we certainly do not doubt that returning to the area brought back painful memories for her. The advice that we would have for her at this point is rather simple: Steer clear of Palm Beach. With the sort of wealth that she has, there are a wide array of other vacation options that could be available to her — let alone places that she wants to go in order to spend time with her family.

We do certainly hope that Luann finds a way to get things together in order to repair her life, largely because there is no reason to root for anything otherwise. It’s really easy to be cynical and bitter in this world so instead, let’s just how that she figures out a way to get whatever sort of help that she needs to move forward. She’s going to need some support given that this is obviously going to be a part of the next Real Housewives of New York City season — it’s such an enormous subject of conversation that it is going to be hard for anyone to ignore.

If there is anything more to report on when it comes to this story we will certainly let you know. For the time being, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want some more of the latest. (Photo: Bravo.)

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