The Bachelor spotlight: Brittane Johnson’s reality TV history with Whaboom

Brittane Johnson

Brittane Johnson is one of the contestants competing on The Bachelor this season. However, what’s interesting is that this is not the only dating-based reality show that she has appeared in over the past couple of years.

As you can see over We TV, Brittane was a part of the series Ex Isle alongside two people from last season — Blake and Lucas a.k.a. Whaboom. We’re not sure that being a part of a reality show with Whaboom in it is all that much of a ringing endorsement. In general, we think that being on two dating reality shows is never the best when you’re claiming that you’re on TV for the right reasons. There are exceptions to every rule so here’s to hoping that Brittane is one of them.

Unfortunately, there’s really not all that much else out there to know about Brittane. She’s a marketing manager from San Diego who seems to want to open a tapas bar down the road. There are two things that stand out from her ABC bio:

1. The three people she wants to have lunch with, living or dead, are Whitney Houston, Bernie Sanders, and Beyonce. Two of these make a certain degree of sense. However, the other one is Bernie Sanders. We really want to know what that conversation would be like.

2. She’s also apparently a fan of Bewitched, which is mostly shocking given that it’s 2017 and other than that remake with Nicole Kidman we don’t exactly think that there are a whole lot of people out there clamoring to get a lot more of Bewitched.

How will she fare with Arie? – Unfortunately for Brittane we just don’t see her lasting all that long. Bachelors tend to be suspicious of people with past reality TV experience, provided that it comes up. Beyond that she’s a total wild card — we don’t have a great read on her personality. She’s probably someone who could go far if she makes a great impression night one, but even with that we don’t see her winning.

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