Elementary season 6, Code Black season 3 could air (in part) over summer

Elementary season 6

While CBS confirmed many midseason premiere dates on Friday, Elementary season 6 and Code Black season 6 are left behind.

What gives? Well, we’ve got some bad news for these two shows. Based on the way in which the CBS schedule is now structured (you can read more at CarterMatt about it over here), it’s possible that these two shows may not start until either April or early May. Every single time-slot is now filled unless the network wants to get in the business of scheduling things on Saturdays! Maybe you end a show like MacGyver or Criminal Minds before May sweeps, but those may be some of your only options. It’s almost impossible to fathom right now how these shows wrap up before getting into summer. Maybe this would be different were it not for the Winter Olympics, but CBS isn’t going to be burning off many of their scripted shows during the month of February. They’re instead throwing on Big Brother: Celebrity Edition as counter-programming.

As for what this means in terms of the future of Elementary and Code Black, we don’t necessarily think it’s a death sentence for either to air during the summer. For one, CBS clearly has faith in Elementary given that they did just extend the season 6 episode order to 21 — a sign they may choose to air it throughout the entire summer. Beyond that, there’s a need for quality summer programming and the network may be starting to realize that they’re better off moving established shows there than trying to start new programming. Shows like Zoo, Extant, and Under the Dome failed to establish much in the way of consistent numbers over the years, and while Salvation was renewed from this past summer, it was very much on the bubble for most of the past several months.

The only thing that could get a little big tricky here is this: Contractually, Elementary and Code Black could need renewals by the spring in order to keep current production timelines. It’s possible that CBS will have to take blind gambles on the show’s futures without having actually seen much in the way of ratings on the two shows. If they were produced to be summer shows this wouldn’t be anywhere near as tricky, but these shows may have both been filmed with the intention that they would air during the main TV season.

Want to get some more news regarding Elementary season 6? Then be sure to visit the link here right now!

Also, like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want more insight regarding this show plus some others we cover. (Photo: CBS.)

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