Stranger Things season 3 renewal finally official at Netflix
Today, Netflix finally confirmed that their fan-favorite, have-a-slice-of-nostalgia series will be coming back for a third season, which could premiere as early as next year. We know that The Duffer Brothers, (the showrunners behind the series), have been working on ideas and stories for the third season long before the renewal came down knowing that there is a relative sense of urgency here. This isn’t the sort of cast where you can hide aging with makeup. The majority of the series’ cast members are kids and with that, you have to consider that they aren’t going to be young forever (anyone else remember how Bran on Game of Thrones grew up over one season?). You need to strike while the iron’s hot, while still finding the time in order to craft a story that is up to the standards of the two seasons that have come beforehand.
Stranger Things season 3, by most accounts, is not going to be the final season of the show. The Duffers have said in the past that their hope is to see the series make it to a fourth season, but after that could be the end of the road. This is a series devised to be about a very specific time in these characters’ lives and they don’t want to milk it beyond what the natural shelf life. We’ll admit that some of what we’re interested in down the road (think ten or so years) is a new season showing how some of these kids have grown up and where they are in their lives. That’s a little ambitious but hey — it’s Netflix. These people are miracle workers when it comes to what they have able to accomplish.
Stranger Things as a whole remains one of the streaming service’s signature brands. While they do not release numbers, signs point to it being one of their most-popular original series. It trends on social media, it inspires everything from Halloween costumes to memes, and it gets people talking about other Netflix programming. Stranger Things has every bit of the broad appeal you would want, so bring on the next season!
What do you think about this Stranger Things season 3 renewal news? Be sure to share some of your thoughts in the comments!
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