Man with a Plan, Superior Donuts given full-season orders via CBS

Superior Donuts

CBS is looking to give Man with a Plan and Superior Donuts a little bit more love for the remainder of the season.

According to a new report coming in right now (via Deadline), these two shows are both being given full-season orders after having both come on the air a little bit later in the year due to some extenuating circumstances. For Man with the Plan, it got a much earlier premiere than expected after CBS chose to effectively cancel Me, Myself & I after just a handful of episodes. Also, the network put Superior Donuts on the air Mondays once CBS’ Thursday programming of Thursday Night Football came to a close. These shows both have a chance to returning for additional seasons, but it’s far too early to say that anything is confirmed.

If both Man with a Plan and Superior Donuts have something to worry about at the moment, it’s clearly this: The fact that CBS’ entire comedy lineup is struggling in comparison to what it once was. This is a night that at one point had such shows as Everybody Loves Raymond and The King of Queens completely dominating the ratings landscape. However, at the moment we are nowhere near that. The numbers are down significantly year-to-year.

We do think that both shows do have a future, but they should push themselves, find some more guest stars to give it a ratings boost, and focus on finding ways to stand out in 2017. Superior Donuts has a slight edge here but could be doing so much more to make a mark in this genre. We don’t think that sitcoms are a dying breed, but these days a sitcom needs to be more than just funny. We tend to think that the best ones are the ones that take big risks and don’t fear whatever sort of consequences could come out on the other side if the risk doesn’t play out the way they thought — this may go in part against CBS’ frequent mantra of playing to a conservative base, but it is a network that also needs to get with the times with some of its programming.

What do you think about Superior Donuts and Man with a Plan getting some full-season love? Do you think either show will get a season 3? Share in the comments!

Also, you can like CarterMatt on Facebook to get more news on these shows plus some others we cover. (Photo: CBS.)

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