The Originals season 5 episode 12 will feature Caroline

Originals season 5 episode 12

The Originals season 5 episode 12 is going to be the penultimate episode of the series on The CW. It also happens to feature Caroline.

The series is filming its penultimate episode (or at least they were before the arrival of the Thanksgiving holiday) and as writer Carina Adly MacKenzie notes, Candice King is on the show’s set once more as her beloved Vampire Diaries character. We know that she was around earlier in the season so hopefully, bringing her back at this point enables her to get closure on a wide array of different subjects.

The supernatural school – We know that so many people are focused on Klaroline and the relationship that the character has with Klaus (and with good reason), but there are some other interesting things about her outside of this. Take for example, that she is taking care of Hope presumably alongside many other supernatural kids thanks to the kind donation that Klaus handed down near the end of The Vampire Diaries. This episode is a great opportunity to see more of what this school has become and how Caroline is working to cultivate the future of some hopefully-responsible men and women with supernatural powers.

The fact that the show decided to send Hope off to the school was a sign that producers had some plans to integrate the Caroline character in a way that was rather exciting.

Of course, the relationship with Klaus – We know that the chemistry between these characters is off the charts, and they understand each other very well at this point — heck, Caroline also should have a relationship with Hope! Unfortunately, none of this guarantees that the two end this show as a couple or if Klaus ends this show with anyone at all for that matter. This is a man who has been through quite a bit and, in turn, has some pretty serious internal struggles. One of the interesting tests for this season is going to be learning if he can put those demons to the side in order to care for others. He can do it in short bursts, but there’s a difference between being able to do that and actually sustaining this.

Want some more news on The Originals?

Whether it be some character debates to other teasers about the final stretch of stories coming up, be sure to head over to the link here right now! Hopefully the final season will premiere in the spring.

Meanwhile, like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want to get some additional insight on The Originals. (Photo: The CW.)

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