Longmire season 6 episode 1 review: Lost and found
For Henry, it comes via the discovery that not only will he survive, but that Walt does still care about him deeply despite their recent arguments. Kudos to Lou Diamond Phillips for delivering a great performance despite being drug around for most of the episode on his back — Walt was able to find him stranded by Malachi Strand and his men, and then spent the remainder of the episode having to eventually cart him off to safety. The bit with the rattlesnake was really not needed since this was an improbable rescue either way, one that eventually did lead to Walt getting back to the Bronco, but not before nearly losing him and his best friend in the process. That silent moment with Henry putting his hand on Walt’s was probably the most powerful part of the whole ordeal.
Leading up to the rescue we did see another haunting moment as Cady was forced to wrestle with some of her guilt, feeling as though her actions put Henry in that position. That’s not entirely the case but Cady does have a tendency to put the weight of the world on her shoulders. It’s a trait clearly derived from her father.
As for resolving what transpired with Malanchi Strand there really wasn’t all that much to be found in here. Instead, this was more about the rescue and making sure Henry is okay.
Resolving the bank robbery
With Walt indisposed it fell on Vic to figure out what happened with a local bank robbery, one seemingly conducted by a man named “Cowboy Bill.” On paper this may have seemed like a fairly cut-and-dry case, especially since Bill was already notorious and there was a playbook on him out there.
Yet, what Ferg was able to learn (in part thanks to his girlfriend Meg at the hospital) is that there may have been an accomplice. That changed the way in which they could look at and view the case; yet, there was another problem in that Meg didn’t want to look responsible for handing over the information — and there was tension between him and Ferg over him even asking in the first place.
Vic was still able to use some video footage — some compiled in part by a local journalist/podcaster/rare Wyoming millennial — in order to figure out who else was involved. This led her to a local shop owner — is he the guy? Well, him blatantly lying — plus being so quick to grab a gun — makes him a suspect. There wasn’t much of a clear resolution here.
CarterMatt Verdict
Longmire season 6 episode 1 was a very good way to throw you right back into the action — and to remind viewers as to what the show is. While it could’ve done more to push some of these stories forward, it did resolve the Henry cliffhanger and set the stage for more conflicts to come.
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