Psych: The Movie promo: Is Gus playing Pokemon GO?

Psych: The Movie promo

The latest Psych: The Movie promo has made its way online thanks to the fine folks over at USA, and this one is rather incredible. Not only does it capture the essence of the original show, it also gets us excited to see what Shawn and Gus are going to look like in 2017.

Take, for example, Gus seemingly taking advantage of the opportunity to play Pokemon GO outside of a mental institution. Meanwhile, you’ve got an evolved version of “suck it” plus Gus seemingly pulling a waffle out of thin air. (How much exercise does Dule Hill have to do to compensate for the amount of calories he probably consumes on this show?) The promo being staged as though the show is some sort of elaborate, big-budget, serious production really just makes this all the more hilarious. It is one of the most epic and exciting things imaginable for us, so maybe the USA promo department has their fingers on the pulse as to how most viewers are going to feel about this.

Even though we’ve gotten a chance to see a reasonable amount of footage about this movie as of right now, there is still a good bit that remains a mystery. For example, why is the Thin White Duke — the main villain for the movie, played by Zachary Levi — out to get Shawn and Gus? Meanwhile, what’s the relationship status for Shawn and Juliet at this point? Will this set the stage potentially for some more movies or another season of the show?

One of the things that may have come out of the cast and crew doing this movie was a reminder of just what makes Psych as a series so beloved and also so different from the vast majority of other shows that are currently on the air: You’ve got a program here that is special in part because of its joy. There are not many other programs out there that celebrate just pure fun and jubilation from start to finish quite like this one. That starts from the creative team down to the cast and crew, who really embrace the spirit of this show and understand (perhaps more than ever) why so many people out there love it. The fan base for the show is as active now as they’ve ever been and the cast has gotten some opportunities to experience that through some of the visits that they’ve made to conventions over the past year.

Psych: The Movie premieres on USA on December 7. Be sure to watch it live; you’ll be very much happy you did.

Want even more glorious Psych: The Movie goodness?

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