House of Cards season 6 likely writing out Kevin Spacey’s Frank Underwood

Frank Underwood

House of Cards season 6 will be the series’ last on Netflix, but to go along with that it’s looking increasingly like Kevin Spacey will never appear on the show again.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the plan for Netflix and producer Media Rights Capital is to keep the show in hiatus for the next two weeks. As for a reason why, a source claims that “they shut it down to figure out how to write him out.” This is a decision that many predicted for the show given that it’s hard to imagine a way to keep him on the show’s set given the accusations that have been laid out there against him by actor Anthony Rapp, as well as a few others who have come out with some of their own stories over the past few days.

There are a number of different ways in which Netflix could, in theory, choose to write out the Frank Underwood character — though if we were to label one as the most likely at the moment, it would be just killing him off. It happens in some of the source material, and in all honesty it never felt as though Frank was going to make it to the end of the series alive in the first place. The aforementioned site notes that there are already two episodes filmed, so they could rewrite the third episode and everything beyond it in order to craft a very new sort of conclusion for the show.

Or, they could go an entirely different route entirely…

Rewrite and reshoot the entire season

If we at CarterMatt were running this show this would be our advice. Scratch everything that has been done and scrub Spacey from the final season of the show altogether. While this may be a pricey endeavor, at the same time doing this would enable the show to move forward and try to reestablish some sort of legacy for itself separate from Frank. Maybe he is assassinated off-screen or maybe a man like Frank dies of natural causes. Even if it causes House of Cards season 6 to be delayed it still could be worth it.

How do you think House of Cards should end?

Should Netflix just scrap all of the episodes with Spacey and start all over? Share in the comments section below.

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