Grey’s Anatomy season 14 episode 6 video: Miranda’s Tinder advice

Grey's Anatomy season 14 episode 6

Want to know what’s coming up on Grey’s Anatomy season 14 episode 6? Well, CarterMatt is here to help get you up to speed on what to expect.

We know that we’ve talked a lot about this episode already through the lens of the men. After all, Jackson is going to realize that he needs a bit of a break from the hospital, so he and some of his pals from Grey Sloan are going to grab some R&R out on a boat. Will something go wrong? Well, it is Grey’s Anatomy, so make of that whatever you want.

As for some of the women, there will be a little match-making going on! Within the sneak peek below, you can see the likes of Arizona, April, and Maggie trying to match up with the right guy via something that many people are using these days: Tinder. Are they going to find somebody? Well, let’s just say that all of them have their own issues that they’re trying to work out.

When it comes to Arizona, she is trying to deal with the fact that she broke up with Carina over the fact that Sofia is coming home and is going to have some time with her. Meanwhile, April just wants to date someone who is not at the hospital after everything that she has went through with Jackson — remember, he was able to handle a casual relationship better than she was. Meanwhile, for Maggie she may also want to move away from Jackson. They had that awkward dinner party and we’re waiting to see what happens from there.

Here’s where things get a little bit funny — Bailey shows up in the sneak peek and from there, decides she is going to get a little bit involved in the matchmaking. She starts swiping on Maggie’s phone, and apparently it seems as though she could have a match for her. Oh, and Miranda seems to be very much into Idris Elba, but who isn’t?

So why are all of these doctors just sitting around and playing on a dating app? It seems to just be a pretty slow day at the hospital, or at least it was until they all get called for a new patient coming in. That’s where the sneak peek cuts off. We’ll see where all of this goes from here, but it looks like we could be in for some laughs after a pretty serious episode that led to a goodbye for Nathan Riggs.

What do you want to see in Grey’s Anatomy season 14 episode 6?

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