Scandal season 7 spoilers: Does Tony Goldywn know ending of Fitz – Olivia journey?

Tony Goldwyn

Does Tony Goldwyn have a sense as to how Scandal season 7, and the series as a whole, is going to end? Given that we’re in the final stretch for the show, we would like to think he would know how the story is tying up.

However, good luck trying to get anything out of Goldwyn! If he does know how Fitzgerald Grant and Olivia Pope’s story ends he’s certainly not going to give anything away and truthfully, after such a long journey with these characters, we here at CarterMatt prefer it that way. Here is what he said in a new interview with Us Weekly:

“I do believe that Fitz can pull Olivia back from the black hole she is slipping into, but it will not be easy … I have no idea if Shonda [Rhimes] intends for him to be successful in that effort. We will have to wait and see what she has in store for us.”

If Scandal was another show and it came from another producer, it would be a little easier to say that Olivia and Fitz would end the show running into each others’ arms and that they would be able to turn Fitz’s one-time dream of Vermont into a reality. Yet, Scandal is not another show and it’s not ordinary. This is Shonda Rhimes and she likes to keep you guessing until the last second. Nothing that happened between the two of them is water under the bridge. They cannot let bygones be bygones and this story between the two of them is as dramatic as it’s ever been.

Beyond just this, Goldwyn’s character needs to address some other problems in his life. He is still working to try and hammer out what some of his policy platforms are going to be outside of the Oval Office and to go along with that, he does have a Presidential library to get together.

Over time, these projects may solidify … but it won’t happen in the most predictable of manners. This is a fictional President known for having one of the most chaotic administrations in recent memory. There were deaths, conspiracies, romantic affairs, and tabloid headlines. The fact that Fitz was able to get away from some of this chaos at all remains something of a revelation in itself.

How do you think that the story on Scandal season 7 is going to end for Olivia and Fitz? Do you think that they will actually be together? Share with us in the comments section below!

Also, check out the link here in the event you want to preview more of what’s coming on Thursday night’s new episode of the series. You can also like us on Facebook to keep up to date with all of our scoop on Scandal. (Photo: ABC.)

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