Poldark season 3 episode 5 teasers (PBS): Ross, Morwenna’s big choices

Poldark season 3 episode 5

Poldark season 3 episode 5 is going to be airing on PBS on Sunday night, and this is one of the most eventful episodes this season. You’ve got a little bit of everything: Romance, heartbreak, action, rage, and George being a tool. It’s classic Poldark from start to finish.

So … do you want more specifics before we roll around to this episode airing? Wait no longer, since that is what this whole CarterMatt article is about! If you look below, you can get a little bit more insight on what’s coming up for many different characters on the series.

Drake – This will be one of the biggest episodes yet for Demelza’s brother, as a fairly innocent act on his part proves to have some devastating consequences. If you did not feel for this character going into this episode, there’s a pretty good chance that you are going to once you get to the end of it.

Dwight – Following his rescue last week you will want to see him in a much better, happier place — unfortunately, we come bearing bad news as this is just not going to happen. We’re going to still continue to see him struggle as he works his way back to his old self, even with Caroline’s help.

Morwenna – Facing a pretty impossible situation (orchestrated in part by someone else), she is going to find herself in an incredibly devastating place during the episode. Her choice will reverberate through the rest of the season.

Ross – You can effectively say the same thing here, since Ross will be presented with an opportunity to help many in need in Cornwall. Not only does this choice impact him, but it will impact some other characters almost immediately.

One mystery tease – Poldark season 3 episode 5 contains one of the nastier scenes that you’ve had a chance to see on the show so far. Obviously this is PBS so things won’t get too risqué, but there may be some out there that will be shocked watching this very thing play out on Poldark.

This episode airs on Sunday night. At the conclusion of it airing, we will be back not just more news surrounding what happened, but also a preview for what is coming up next, so be sure to check back with us.

If you do want to get some more news when it comes to Poldark then be sure to like us on Facebook. (Photo: PBS.)

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