Shark Tank preview: Ash & Anvil (Ash & Erie), Mirmir, Human Bobber, Kwik Hang
According to ABC, this episode was actually filmed as the 25th installment in season 8, but didn’t air last season for whatever reason. Why do that? Well, it may have been for a number of different reasons, including that there just wasn’t a good spot in the schedule. We mostly just feel for these companies given that they’ve had to wait a really long time to get their products out there for possible consumers. If they got an investor, they haven’t repeated many rewards as of yet.
Take a look at some of the products set to be featured below.
Ash & Anvil (now Ash & Erie) – They’ve presumably underwent a name change since their time in the Tank — it’s smart on them to include both in the Google listing for now since people will probably be searching more for the former. The idea behind the product is also smart — a clothing line for shorter guys! You hear often about big-and-tall stores, but rarely do you hear about things the other way around. If they have sales this could be a smart, easy investment.
Mirmir – Want to look and feel like a celebrity anytime? This rentable photo booth for events seems to serve that purpose! They produce some of the best-quality photos possible with the help of their team and then make them easy for you to share online or virtually anywhere else you want. Since this product is based mostly on being hired out for events, they need the exposure of being on the show almost more so than anything else.
Human Bobber – This name is fantastic. It’s super-memorable and it tells you right away what the focus of the product is: Floatation devices. They fill a wide array of different purposes and are made for recreational use doing a wide array of different things. This is not your generic life preserver or life jacket that you’ve seen in some sporting goods stores over the years.
Kwik Hang – Meanwhile, this easy-to-install curtain rod bracket system violates a CarterMatt Shark Tank pet peeve — intentionally misspelling a word in your name for no real reason. There’s a playfulness in Mirmir (which is obviously a shortened version of “mirror mirror”), but here, it’s just an eyeroll. That aside, this is probably the most useful out of any of these products featured Sunday for average consumers. You can actually envision practical purposes here for people in their homes no matter who they are.
Do any of these interest you?
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