‘Shiptober: Will Blue Bloods season 8 bring Jamie – Eddie (Jamko) together?
Yet, we do think that we’re at a point now where something could and should happen. They’re both established enough that there should be no reason for the NYPD to come down on them hard for the relationship, and they’ve both also explored many other avenues. What we like about these two in a relationship at this point is that it feels almost as though they’ve already done everything in their power to not be together and the feelings are still there. When you have a romance that effectively feels so unavoidable is it really wrong to shy away from it? Shouldn’t this be something that is 1000% embraced by the two of them at this point?
The first thing that the two need to do is just admit already that they’re ready to be together and stop messing around with the idea. From there, they can decide on a way to inform the higher-ups and determine the parameters of their relationship on the job and at home. They need to keep the lines of communication open and ensure that they understand where the other person is coming from at all times. Take things slow, and don’t pressure Eddie to be at the Reagan family dinner table too soon (though we would like to see it).
Beyond all of this, one of the simplest things that we want to see is simply more of Will Estes and Vanessa Ray on the show itself! Blue Bloods hasn’t used either one of them nearly as much as of late as we would like and hopefully that will change in the near future. Luckily it is a long season, and with that we presume that there will be more opportunities to bring them back.
This article is a part of our ‘Shiptober article series at CarterMatt, chronicling some of TV’s best relationships.
What should be the future of the Jamie – Eddie pairing?
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(Photo: CBS.)
October 26, 2017 @ 3:27 am
yes yes yes!!!!! They should definitely be together and I don’t know why they’ve taken so long to do it. All they have to do is make one of them a detective and then they won’t be partners and everything will be fine. But Blue Bloods has made a few mistakes already in this young season and it’d be good to get this relationship up off the ground. Honestly, after the first show I was SO STUNNED at Linda’s death that I forgot BB was even ON. Just watched Dateline and didn’t record Blue Bloods. I do NOT want to see the ERIN show. I want to see Jamie and Eddie together.
Lynn OConnor
October 21, 2017 @ 1:00 am
I wonder if the unexpected death of Linda may have put the jamko storyline out of the picture for awhile. I need time to get used to the reagans without Linda before I get all happy about Jamie and Eddie being together. It almost seems we would be disrespecting the loss of Linda. I love the chemistry between Jamie and Eddie and feel that they should get together. This has been a tough start to the new season. There has to be at least one “couple” in the family.
Lynn OConnor
October 21, 2017 @ 1:00 am
I wonder if the unexpected death of Linda may have put the jamko storyline out of the picture for awhile. I need time to get used to the reagans without Linda before I get all happy about Jamie and Eddie being together. It almost seems we would be disrespecting the loss of Linda. I love the chemistry between Jamie and Eddie and feel that they should get together. This has been a tough start to the new season. There has to be at least one “couple” in the family.
October 20, 2017 @ 2:57 pm
If this is “Shiptober”, I’m pretty well convinced “that ship has sailed”…. Since the writers chose to portray Jamie and Eddie as folks willing to choose a professional relationship over a growing personal one (through all the interactions after last November’s “Personal Business”), they need to just wrap things up and give each of them a solid romantic relationship with other people.
Though I had long been someone rooting for Jamko, I basically lost interest in that when 3 things happened:
1. Nothing was done romantically between them when Breakfast Sandwich man dumped Eddie.
2. There was an extended, unexplained absence of Eddie after the partner switch (Jamie was riding with another man in the next to the last episode and was alone, no explanation, in the last episode.)
3. When they were undercover at a night club in this season’s first episode, NOTHING was done to suggest they had romantic feelings, such as him having his arm around her waist, her leaning on him, etc, as they talked with the drug dealer….
Thus, I believe the writers want this to be a long, dead-end tease. They have stretched this beyond the limits of credibility. I’m tired of it and ready for Jamie and Eddie to each move on to someone else.
October 20, 2017 @ 3:06 am
I hope Jamko get together at some point, but I have a feeling that if that happens, it won’t be until the end of the series.