Scorpion season 4 episode 4 review: Walter, Paige, and Happy’s problem

Scorpion season 4 episode 4

Scorpion season 4 episode 4 was a story of highs and lows. At the heart of it was something very emotional, but it did take us ultimately a good hour to get to the meat of what was actually going on with Happy Quinn.

In the opening minutes of the episode we’d learned that she had really pushed for a deeper, more personal friendship with Walter, Paige, and Ralph, really to the point of her doing almost everything with them. At first this was okay, but then over time we started to see tension start to form between Paige and Happy in particular. She confronted Happy about what was going on, but as Walter warned her, this wasn’t going to end well. The two went into their latest mission, one involving a decommission of a nuclear missile, not exactly happy with each other.

Consider this a word to the wise: We’re not sure that you want to enter a mission like this angry at anyone.

Insofar as cases go for Team Scorpion, though, this one was fairly predictable: There was a problem with huge ramifications that they had to solve. At first shutting down this old missile didn’t seem like an enormous challenge, things became worse when the team was exposed to some dangerous toxic vapor. There was some drama, and of course it looked for a while like millions of people were going to die — nonetheless, the team figured this out, and at the right time for some of the characters to resolve some other loose threads from earlier in the episode. For Sylvester, this meant coming up with an energy solution as alderman in the name of science education. In the midst of resolving this, Sylvester realized that there is one other goal he wanted to take on: Studying for the Bar in order to represent Cabe in his trial. He only has a couple of days in order to study, but if he can figure out how to pass, Cabe could manage to stay out of prison.

As for Happy, Paige, and Walter, there were several revelations that happened at the end. For Walter, he expressed to Paige why he was happy to have Happy around — it kept her from being bored and he was so afraid of making her feel that way. Luckily, Paige found a way to ease that fear by bringing him to an experimental restaurant — let’s just say that was an experience!

Meanwhile, Toby told Happy that he knew why she was gravitating towards Walter and Paige — it was a family unit, one that she was craving. This, coupled with her own stable relationship, is why Happy told Toby in the closing minutes that she wanted a child with him.

CarterMatt Verdict

Remember the episode “Broken Wind” from earlier this season? Our frustration with “Nuke Kids on the Block” was that it felt a lot like this — Happy and Paige having some conflict before working together to try and resolve it. Luckily, the final ten minutes were fun, emotional, and helped to ease our fears that this episode was more of the same.

What’s next on Scorpion season 4?

Be sure to head over to the link here, given that you can see there a little more in the way of insight regarding what will be coming on the show from here.

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