The Blacklist season 5 episode 3 spoilers: DMV man Glen Carter returns
For Reddington, the purpose of Glen is as a master-trader of information. He is able to track data and people like few others can, but he also has a knack for self-preservation that occasionally lands him in some trouble. Seeing him in this photo actually suggests, though, that he will be in more trouble than we’ve seen him in before. What’s Reddington doing with him?
More than that, there are also plenty of other questions worth wondering given that we’re also peering into a scene that features these two characters alongside none other than Tom Keen, who still seems like he would be one of the last people who want to work with Reddington. Nonetheless he’s going to be a part of the latest case, and we wouldn’t be shocked if there is an escalation of tension along the way. Every single moment that these two characters spend together is a not-so-subtle reminder of where their story could be heading, and it’s a pretty dangerous place. Just remember that Tom could very well be dead by the end of the year thanks to his role with the suitcase and whatever sort of secret Reddington is trying to hide there.
For the time being, though, it’s probably best that we here at CarterMatt don’t get too far ahead of ourselves. The most important thing is that we’ve got another case to take on, and this one should be especially fun since you’re throwing in a fun character who we’ve seen on the show a few times in the past.
Beyond that, be prepared tonight to see an interesting story for Agent Ressler as some external forces threaten to pull him apart. He is a man clearly still suffering thanks to some significant demons of his own. Hopefully he will find some sort of resolution at the end of some of his battles, but what that will look like remains to be seen — we just don’t think what happened with Laurel is going to go away from his psyche at any point in the near future. He’s a human, and he’s not heartless to some of the ramifications of what he did.
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(Photo: NBC.)