A Charlottesville – Law & Order: SVU season 19 episode planned
So why take this on? Well, it mostly just seems like because it’s a hard subject to avoid on a show that is so topical. Speaking in a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter, executive producer Michael Chernuchin had the following to say:
“Conflict. It’s just the state of the world today with everybody. Everybody’s political now and everything is political now and we want to deal with that.”
In the end, we do think that the team is going to figure out how to incorporate an event like this into the show in a way that is respectful, and captures the essence of what happened without just mirroring it exactly. That’s always something that the show has done.
However, getting too topical has also bitten the show before — look at “Unstoppable,” the season 18 episode that featured Gary Cole as a Donald Trump-like political figure. That episode never aired on NBC, and we don’t think it ever will. One of the ways that Chernuchin seems to be avoiding that sort of situation this season is by telling stories that don’t reinforce too much of one political viewpoint:
“Because I’m not going to a choose a side. I won’t choose a side. I’m going to present both political views and let the audience decide which one is right. My goal, and I told the writers on this on the first day of our writers’ room, is at the end of every episode, I want half the audience to throw their shoes at the television and the other half to stand up and cheer.”
Ultimately this does feel right for the sort of show that we know SVU to be. You have to remember that this is a series that, at its core, is about people finding criminals and then interpreting who is right and wrong within a court of law. There should be room for the audience to come up with interpretations of their own, given that this is the sort of show that can offer intellectual discussions. It can be a great program to marathon while still also being one that makes you think and generate conversation. We’re excited to see what the team this season is going to bring to the table when SVU premieres next month.
What do you think: Is a Charlottesville – Law & Order: SVU episode a smart idea, or does it all depend on the story? Share in the comments!
(Photo: NBC.)
August 31, 2017 @ 10:28 pm
I don’t know how I feel about this… not choosing a side in a situation where a neo-Nazi murdered a woman is going to take some pretty impressive mental gymnastics.
Michael Goldman
August 31, 2017 @ 9:51 pm
No surprise here. Will they be sure to include the Antifa and BLM? They might not have equal blame, but they have blame. Will they also show scenes of the Police running away? I doubt it. NBC is a very LIBERAL network, so expect to see an episode that will make the bad person(or people) be Conservatives.
August 31, 2017 @ 10:37 pm
Maybe it’s not smart to tie conservatives in with neo-Nazis. The fact that you view them as being one and the same (it was a white nationalist rally, not a conservative rally) is more telling than you might like.
Michael Goldman
August 31, 2017 @ 10:55 pm
I don’t view them as one and the same. If you interpret me as saying that, then I am sorry for not phrasing what I wanted to say better. The liberal garbage media does. Trump is on record for denouncing the White Supremacists and Neo Nazis many times, but the liberal garbage media doesn’t care and they won’t show it. NBC has a very left leaning agenda. I don’t expect the words Antifa or BLM to make it into the show. Thanks for responding.
August 31, 2017 @ 11:16 pm
So why keep watching the, quote, ‘liberal garbage media’?
To be fair, Antifa or BLM didn’t murder that girl. Charlottesville was about about white nationalists, and those white nationalists murdered a woman in cold blood in broad daylight. I do not understand why you’re more worked up over the ‘liberal garbage media’ not mention Antifa in Charlottesville than actual white nationalists murdering someone. Is this what politics has come to?
Michael Goldman
August 31, 2017 @ 11:44 pm
I am very upset with what happened to that Young Lady, and I hope they put that young man away for a very, very, very, long time. That doesn’t excuse the fact, that BLM and Antifa were there(in Virginia)they were rioting, and the liberal garbage media is trying to make believe they weren’t there and they had nothing to do with what happened there. Is that what this world has come to? What about what happened in San Francisco this weekend? Antifa wasn’t there, and they didn’t almost kill someone. Right?
September 1, 2017 @ 6:31 pm
They were rioting? I don’t remember that. I do remember Nazis shouting f*ggots and Blood and Soil and saying Jews wouldn’t replace them, along with murdering a woman. I repeat: a woman was murdered, but you’re more concerned with a make believe BLM riot? I hope you’re not indicative of what conservatism has come to when you can’t distinguish yourselves from Nazis and feel the need to engage in whataboutism when it comes to MUDER and NAZISM.
Regarding the article: this is why leaving Charlottesville alone is for the best. Some people care more about their hurt feelings and counter protests instead of WOMEN WHO ARE MURDERED. Michael here has spent more time stomping his feet about the media and counter protesters instead of actual Neo-Nazis in our streets. You know, the bad guys we fought in WWII. The evil people who want to ethnically cleanse America. They take a backseat to his complaining about counter-protests.
Michael Goldman
September 1, 2017 @ 6:48 pm
Typical liberal garbage. BLM and Antifa had nothing to do with it. McAuliffe(who made the whole thing happen) had nothing to do with it. The Cowardly POLICE that Foxnews reported leaving the scene had nothing to do with it. Let’s report the whole story, not what you liberal garbage only want to report.
September 1, 2017 @ 9:36 pm
Again, more butthurt over everything but Nazis killing women in America’s streets. Disgusting. I weep for our country.
Michael Goldman
September 1, 2017 @ 9:39 pm
Plenty of butthurt for that, as I stated earlier. I won’t respond anymore on this site to this argument. This is a TV site, and I have a lot of respect for the person who is in charge of this site. Bye.