Game of Thrones season 7 episode 6 preview: Kit Harington & The Night King

Game of Thrones season 7 episode 6

When Game of Thrones season 7 episode 6 airs on HBO next week, it’s fair to call the stakes VERY high. This is the penultimate episode of the season! The ratings are likely going to be through the roof, and the story will be escalating as we near the beginning of the end. Westeros is on the brink, and the walls are closing in from many different directions.

Well, moving into next week’s new episode, the biggest thing that we can say at the moment is rather simple: Prepare for war of the most violent kind. You’ve got things intensifying in the north, and the good news is that Jon Snow is going to be heading back in order to fight in time. You see massive armies colliding in the North, with both the White Walkers and The Night King being present there.

One of the larger questions that does exist out there now is who is joining Jon for this battle. We know that he’s got Ser Jorah up there, and he’s also campaigned to both Tormund and the Brotherhood Without Banners. Will one of the other armies end up joining him? You certainly hope so given what’s ahead.

Ultimately, get ready to see one of the most epic episodes of the entire series. There’s going to most likely be some game-changers here, given that what we ended up seeing often in these penultimate episodes is some of the most dramatic, chaotic sequences that we often get to see on this show. Just remember what happened to Ned Stark, the Battle of Blackwater, or what happened at the Red Wedding. This show loves to deliver some of its biggest surprises prior to the finale, mostly because that does offer it up an opportunity to assess the aftermath in the installment that comes after the fact.

In the end, we shall see what happens here, but we are very much nervous for all of these characters — this is a show, after all, that likes to kill off people. This is also an episode that could centralize most of its action on a central location. We’ve certainly seen them do that before.

Want some other news on Game of Thrones?

Remember that if you want to get some additional news on the show, including a full review for tonight’s “Eastwatch,” you can do just that over at the link here. (Photo: HBO.)


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