Teen Wolf season 6 episode 12 spoilers: Scott McCall surrounded (video)

Scott McCall

While you wait for Teen Wolf season 6 episode 12 to air on MTV this weekend, why not check out a new sneak peek of what to expect?

If you look below, you can get a glimpse of this very thing as we see further just what sort of trouble Scott McCall is going to be in, following of course the murder that took place in the woods in the summer premiere. We’ve learned that the school’s new guidance counselor has so much more going on than she is letting on, but there’s not a whole lot that Scott or anyone else can do to stop her for the time being. How do you take on an opponent without even knowing that said opponent is out there? Knowledge is power, and Scott and his pack don’t have all that much in the way of knowledge at the moment. Therefore, they also don’t have all that much when it comes to power.

Things go from bad to worse in this preview when Scott realizes that he, Malia, and Lydia are not alone in the woods — they are being hunted, and the pressure is very much put on them to find a way to escape an impending hunter attack. By the end of it, Scott will find himself surrounded, and that is when he lets out his inner alpha and does whatever he can in order to escape. That’s about as exciting a teaser as you’re going to find

As a whole, though, this preview is very much indicative of what is one of the show’s central goals as we near the end of the season: To bring it back more to the roots, and in this case, that means the intense battle that is going on with hunters. These are the adversaries that have now shown, time and time again, that they are really not going anywhere. It’s up to Scott and the rest of the team to deal with them in whatever way they so choose.

Are hunters the only threats tonight?

Far from it. Judging from some of the other previews that we’ve seen for this episode, we are also going to be getting a few different opportunities to see freaky spiders — something that played a big role in the premiere episode, and we’re still not thrilled with it.

Also, you do also have to remember that Theo is going to be making his own debut in this episode. (Read more about that here.) As a whole he’s a character with a rather ambiguous moral alignment. He could certainly do some good things for the team, but he does also have this habit of causing trouble that cannot be ignored. If he feels betrayed or as if he is not a part of a group, he’ll just find a new group and proceed to inflict all sorts of new chaos from there.

Want some additional news on Teen Wolf?

Then be sure to head over to the link here! After all, you’re going to be able to see a full review for tonight’s new episode there, plus an additional preview for everything else that is coming up with the show. (Photo: MTV.)

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