The Bachelorette: Rachel Lindsay on Dean Unglert elimination
Nonetheless, it’s very difficult still to argue that losing Dean was anything other than a gut-wrenching end to this episode. He was one of Rachel Lindsay’s most-popular suitors online, and his exit came following a very dysfunctional, complicated date in which his father was anything less than kind to him. There was chaos virtually from start to finish here, and there are very little in the way of signs that it’s going to be getting better between the two of them anytime soon.
In the end, though, Rachel insists after the fact that her deciding to not take Dean to Overnight Dates had less to do with what happened with his father, and more to do with him not being in the right place in his life to get some of the things that she ultimately wants. In writing about that in her new People Magazine blog, she had the following to say on the subject:
“Through this journey, Dean learned a lot about himself and a lot about love … and he learned those things through our relationship. I still think he’s figuring himself and his feelings out. It was a tough goodbye — he was defensive, confused and a bit angry. I know that sometimes at first being angry is easier to stomach than allowing yourself to be sad. I prayed that night that he wasn’t leaving this relationship believing I judged him based on meeting his family. I only judged him on if he was ready for the same things I am.”
Ultimately, Dean is getting another chance at something courtesy of Bachelor in Paradise this summer, and Rachel still has a chance to be with one of her other suitors. There are opportunities for everyone to move forward from this, and it just remains to be seen whether or not that actually happens. We actually feel like with Dean, he’s one of those people we’d love to see back on the franchise in a couple of years if he’s still single. That gives him a little more time to find himself further, and also see where he is in his life at that point. He’s got a lot of enthusiasm towards Rachel and love in general, but he’s not grounded in the way that the other three remaining guys are. Only one of them will end up being her fiancee, and that’s not a spoiler since she’s already said that she is engaged to someone and that will be revealed down the road.
What do you think about the elimination that happened on The Bachelorette Monday night, and do you think that Rachel should have kept Dean? Be sure to share your thoughts even further in the comments!
Meanwhile, head over to the link here in the event you do want to get some additional news on Dean joining Paradise. (Photo: ABC.)