The Bachelorette spoilers: About Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis’ group date
The synopsis below does offer up an indication or two as to how this date is going to go, from the ridiculous to the controversial (it doesn’t seem like this show can really exist without the latter):
“Ashton and Mila explain the obstacle course to the eight bachelors on the first group date. This includes changing dolls’ diapers, strapping on baby Bjorns and pulling a hair rope out of a clogged sink. A tight competition ensues, leading to a controversial finish when one cunning bachelor demonstrates he will do anything to ensure victory. Will his aggressiveness win over Rachel, or will he be benched for ‘un-husband-like conduct?'”
The sadistic part of us as a viewer of this show of course wants to see someone booted from the competition, mostly because there’s something ridiculous about someone having to spend the remainder of their life explaining that they were not allowed to continue with the competition because of getting too heated over a baby Bjorn. Then again, it’s also likely that production wouldn’t want this person to get booted because they live and die for the competition, and having someone willing to go the extra mile like this is good for spicing things up in the early going. It’s still fairly early in the season at the moment, but it remains to be seen just who is going to be proclaimed the villain for the first part of the season. While Whaboom guy Lucas may be ridiculous, there is no indication just yet that he’s going to be the new iteration of Chad.
What do you think about this idea for a date, and how do you think Ashton and Mila are going to factor into it? Share below!
Meanwhile, be sure to head over to the link here in the event that you do want to get some additional news right now when it comes to the show. (Photo: ABC.)