American Gods episode 6 spoilers: Vulcan, a search for refuge

Gods episode 6

How will American Gods season 6 follow up on some of the powerful, gripping stories from episode 5? Introducing another Old God into the picture never hurts.

The first thing that will likely catch your eye about the next new episode comes via the title itself: “A Murder of Gods.” This show’s been both beautiful and brutally violent so far, so what happens when you make it to this point? Will the escalation of the war between the old gods and new take Shadow Moon past the point of recognizing his own soul? It’s possible, given just how much of a tailspin he may be in already. Not only is he reeling now from being temporarily locked up on this past episode, he’s just seen Media floating around as Marilyn Monroe while his dead wife Laura pleaded to him to allow her another chance. He doesn’t quite know just yet that the power of the coin compels her.

American Gods episode 6 synopsis – “On the run after the New Gods’ show of force, Shadow and Mr. Wednesday seek safe haven with one of Mr. Wednesday’s oldest friends, Vulcan, God of the Fire and the Forge.”

Given the obsession that America has with guns and violence, Vulcan has found a place in society in a way that many other gods have not. He’s played on the show by Corbin Bernsen of Psych fame, though both his look and his character may be very different from how you ended up seeing him on the USA show. (This is one of the great skill sets of Bryan Fuller in so many ways — finding unique, interesting ways for his actors to stand out from their preexisting molds.)

There are just a handful of episodes still to go on American Gods season 1 before the finale airs, so with that, be prepared for the story to continue to set the table in some powerful, complicated ways. The New Gods will likely continue to build up some of their own power, and it does remain to be seen just how Laura is going to find herself a key component in this story now that Shadow has turned her away. Will that be permanent, or will she find some other ways to immerse himself into his world?

Turning this over to you

Let us know your expectations for American Gods episode 6 right now in the attached comments! Meanwhile, you can head over to this link in the event you do want to get some further news right now when it comes to the show. (Photo: Starz.)

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