Law & Order: SVU exclusive sneak peek: Benson, Fin look for the truth
The preview below starts with Fin questioning a witness in Lydia, who tells him that Ann, the victim at the heart of the story, has been “brainwashed” by a church group into thinking that her sexuality is in some way a sin. This same church group may hold the person responsible for the crime, as Ann recounts to Benson that someone came into her hotel room and raped her. The motive or identity of the rapist remains unclear, but it could be due to some belief, whether it be from this man or the church group altogether, that they can “covert” Ann and change her perception on herself and her sexuality. Their methods (the title is a reference to conversion therapy) do already seem to have her thinking that she is “saving herself for marriage” and that she is supposed to love men as opposed to women. She reveals to Benson that she does have feelings for Lydia, but believes that acting on them is wrong.
Just through this one conversation, it is easy to get a sense of what this group accomplished in terms of altering the way that Ann thinks and views herself. The first challenge for Benson will be collecting evidence. From there, it will be reverting back the way Ann thinks, and empowering her to understand the severity of what was done to her physically with the rape, and psychologically both before and during the terrible act. With the right information and testimony, Benson, Barba, and the rest of the team may be able to put the responsible party / parties behind bars.
There are only three episodes left for SVU season 18, so be prepared for intense cases full of emotion, strong performances, and hopefully powerful messages. Also rejoice in the fact that there is already an SVU season 18 on tap, so there is no immediate concern for the future of the show and you can enjoy these episodes in the present. (There will be a two-hour finale coming your way next week.)
Feel free to share your thoughts when it comes to this Law & Order: SVU sneak peek in the comments below!
(Photo: NBC.)