Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Final four HoH revealed
In what should serve as some of the least-surprising news imaginable, Demetres ended up answering the most questions correctly. This ensures that he holds the power of immunity, and not much else given the way that this week works. It takes some of the pressure off for him to win the Power of Veto, though the pressure may come back when he surveys the field. Kevin is the only major challenge threat left; Ika and Karen have zero Veto wins between them, and he’s won three straight competitions he was eligible to win.
Also troublesome for Ika and Demetres — Kevin is doing almost nothing other than studying in the game. Given that everyone else in the game wants him gone, they should consider doing something crazy like trying to constantly speak with him while someone else studies. Anything to distract him from being able to compete, right?
As of now, it’s easy to project a Kevin win in the Final Four Veto. Matters get a big dodgier when you look to the final part of the competition. Despite being a poker player, Kevin’s best skill in the game isn’t his ability to read other people. This is typically essential for being able to take home that final part of the final Head of Household Competition, which often revolves around gauging the opinions of the jury.
If Kevin does win the Final Four Veto, odds are that he sends out Ika. Meanwhile, if he wins the final HoH, he will take Karen to the end of the game. If the final three doesn’t contain Karen, the likely scenario is that Demetres / Ika take each other unless Ika gets really cutthroat (which is possible) and gets rid of her closest ally in the game. Karen will take Ika, which puts the onus on Demetres in this situation to win out.
Back to the feeds for a moment. When they came back on, Demetres was cleaning up. He’s so used to being up there at this point that it’s hard to care.
Other news to expect
Tomorrow, be prepared to see an exit interview with Dillon about his time in the house! For some further news on that subject and much more, head over to the link here! (Photo: Global.)