Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony aftermath
After all, Kevin did precisely what we claimed that he was going to beforehand: He used the Power of Veto on Ika, and then put Dillon up on the block as the replacement nominee. We feel like Kevin made this move thinking as though this was an ordinary season of the show with ordinary players … and not someone out to both spite him and also go to the final four with someone in Demetres who is an enormous threat to win it all.
It’s hard to read what Karen is thinking in wanting to evict Dillon over Demetres, but her motivation seems to be two-fold:
1. She really spites Kevin enough that she wants to do what he doesn’t want her to do.
2. She wants to be a player known for making big moves and/or working with popular people. This move would basically (in her mind) make her a more entertaining version of Adam from season 13. Guess what position Adam finished in? Third. That will likely be Karen’s finish here, as well. Her only hope that she has now is going to the final two with Kevin, otherwise known as the person she seems to want to eliminate from the game more than anyone else.
Ultimately, we’ll see if Karen does change her mind over the course of the coming days — while Kevin may win a ton of competitions, she has to remember as a fan, the final part of the last Head of Household Competition is virtually a coin flip. There’s really not that much that you can do to prepare for it, and as a result of that we don’t think that it behooves Karen to eliminate this possibility.
This is the big mistake that Kevin made — not putting up Karen as the replacement nominee given that Dillon is insanely loyal, and he’s wanted Demetres out since THE VERY FIRST WEEK OF THE GAME. Nominating Karen would have made this a slam dunk, so Kevin doesn’t have anyone to blame but himself if this blows up in his face.
If you want to get some other news when it comes to Big Brother Canada, including more from the live feeds, we suggest that you head over to the link here now! (Photo: Global.)