Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Preparing for the Veto

Preparing for the Veto

Just how important is the next upcoming Big Brother Canada 5 Power of Veto Competition? Much of that may be coming within the eye of the beholder, and it could depend even more on the aftermath.

Just remember that we’re not always right here, given that we felt at this point a week ago that the Veto was fairly inconsequential, and that we felt like either Ika or Demetres would be leaving the game at the end of it. This time around, signs point to it being the same, with the only different being that it’s even harder to imagine any variance when you just look at the current landscape of things in the house. Who is going to be all that motivated to save a couple that is looking out to protect each other? They’ll almost surely take one another to the end over anyone else, and Demetres may win every competition possible on his way there.

If Demetres doesn’t win the Veto today, we have to figure he’s toast given that he is an enormous competition threat and nobody would want to go against him. Meanwhile, Ika hasn’t won a comp all season. It makes infinitely more sense for the physical guys like Kevin and Dillon to hope that Demetres doesn’t win it today. We do think that this is the time of the season when everyone will be trying hard to win, and it should make for some fun fireworks if Kevin does have to name a replacement nominee. Just remember that he would have to pick between either Karen or Dillon and show who he personally believes he is the most loyal to.

What Demetres / Ika can have hope for is Karen talking last night about possibly voting Dillon out if she wins the Veto and saves Demetres … which may very well be crazy talk since that is effectively dumping the remnants of her game in the garbage.

One other important highlight from last night was that after claiming that Ika and Demetres made “false promises” in the game, Ika completely tore him a new one in what was the biggest verbal confrontation we’ve seen him involved in over the course of two seasons. Kevin took some of the comments from her in stride … at least over time. During the actual argument he didn’t quite know what to do with himself.

Be sure to check back later tonight, as we’re going to have an update pertaining to who actually won the Power of Veto over at the link here. (Photo: Global.)

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