Big Brother Canada 5: William Laprise Desbiens, Dre Gwenaelle interviews

William Laprise Desbiens

William Laprise Desbiens and Dre Gwenaelle were both evicted from the Big Brother Canada 5 house in the dreaded Triple Eviction Thursday. With that, this particular exit interview is a little bit different than some of the others that we’ve conducted over time. We spoke with the two players in a group conference call setting, where we had a chance to ask each one of them a couple of questions.

Be sure to check out their responses below pertaining to Kevin, Dillon, competition prowess, and more.

CarterMatt – Let’s start with William. You were very good in a lot of comps this season. How were you able to focus in during them?

William – That’s a good question! I just wanted to win them and play for real. I didn’t do anything special; I was really just doing everything that I could [to win].

What was it about Kevin that drew you to him this season?

William -He’s just a weirdo! I don’t know — I just like this kind of person, I guess (laughs). I really don’t know.

Dre, you said you were rooting for Dillon with Arisa last night. How would you describe that relationship?

Dre – This is how I feel. I’m a still bitter — I just got evicted yesterday — and I think that Dillon took a risk [exposing me to the other players] and I hope that it works out for him. I would want him to win since he blew up my game. That’s the only reason, not because he’s playing a great game.

It’s not that I’m rooting for him; it’s just that he blew up my game, so I want him to have a purpose behind what he did.

What do you think is the biggest cause of your eviction?

Dre – We felt like it was going to be a Double Eviction — the fact that it was a Triple didn’t help. If it was a Double I do think I could have saved myself and saved William by talking [people] out of it. With the Triple Eviction, if I didn’t win HoH or if William didn’t win HoH, we would’ve been done. It’s a mix of it being the Triple Eviction, Dillon exposing our game, and a lot of things.

William – And Ika turning on us.

More coverage

Be sure to visit the link here for some more news from the Big Brother Canada live feeds. If you’re looking for our exit interview with Jackie, that will be posted there once it is conducted a little later in the afternoon.

New episodes of Big Brother Canada will continue to air Mondays, Wednesday, and Thursdays on Global. (Photo: Global.)

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