Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Triple eviction expectations

Triple Eviction

Tonight, Big Brother Canada 5 is putting the Triple Eviction on the air! That may be exciting, but also terrifying when it comes to fairness. We could sit here and air out all of our grievances about the twist, but what’s the point? Production’s not going to suddenly be like “oh, we’re not going to do this because some writer online is complaining about it.” It is what it is; it happens, and then we move on.

As of this time, the first order of business is saying that, for now, Jackie will leave the game in a 3-2 vote. Dillon and Karen have agreed to vote to send her home, but they will act going into the show like they are sending home Ika. We don’t get the point of this, since withholding information is something that makes other people feel stupid; yet, the only shot these two may have of winning the game is if they are at the end with each other.

What happens here clearly informs what happens with the Triple Eviction greatly. For Ika and Demetres, Kevin and William will likely be the biggest targets since there’s a way to get them out together in one week. It’d be terrible for Kevin to have to go through this again, but he only has one chance to save himself, and it’s through the Veto. Unless William becomes the new HoH, it’s hard to see many other scenarios in which this happens. (Depending on what happens from now until the show, maybe Dre goes after Ika / Demetres now — she’s certainly upset in the aftermath of being exposed as playing all sides last night.)

As for Ika and Demetres, we foresee many people relishing the idea of getting the two of them out at this vote. They’d be ridiculous not to, but they’re also ridiculous to not get rid of someone in Jackie who is largely dead weight in the game. If Ika and Demetres make it to the final four or final three, this will be the part of the game everyone shakes their head at.

Regardless of what happens tonight, we’ll continue to have more coverage the rest of the way! Head over here for more of the latest Big Brother Canada news and updates — we’ll be back later tonight with a full review of all that transpires!

Meanwhile, be sure to share your expectations for the Triple Eviction now in the comments. (Photo: Global.)

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