The Flash season 3 episode 20 sneak peek: Preparing for Savitar reveal

Savitar reveal

Tonight on The Flash, it’s all happening — after spending weeks awaiting the Savitar reveal, the Big Bad will be unmasked.

Who is it? We’ve heard theories all across the board suggesting that it’s everyone from Future Barry Allen to Ronnie Raymond to Eddie Thawne to Julian Albert. We’ve even heard some suggesting that it is Cisco’s late brother Dante. The only clue we think is pretty definitive is that Savitar was seemingly created through Flashpoint. Therefore, there must have been something changed courtesy of the timeline that allowed him to exist when he was not there previously. He is the physical manifestation of a punishment for Barry changing history.

In the sneak peek below, executive producer Aaron Helbing does his part to set up not only the episode, but a number of different finer details over the course of the hour. The debut of Tracy Brand (Anne Dudek) is also going to be a very fun component of the hour, given that she is the genius responsible for inventing the technology four years from now that separates Savitar from the world. Unfortunately, the problem is that in 2017, she’s a bumbling low-rent scientist who doesn’t have much in the way of a cohesive idea what she’s doing. Trying to turn her into a master inventor overnight is going to be a challenge. Also, there is another problem: Killer Frost is off looking to kill her. Savitar has made it clear to her that she is the key to stopping him; if she is stopped, nothing will get in their way of ruling the world.

The way that Savitar speaks of his partnership with Killer Frost as a collaborative affair does lead some credence to the idea that it could be Ronnie, given that whoever this is, it’s someone who could appeal to Killer Frost almost right away. Having it be someone she is so attached to is a nice way of ensuring that this happens.

No matter who it is, the thing that likely matters more than anything else is that this turns out to be someone who makes sense for the story, and only adds to the stakes moving forward. The problem there is that at this point, it’s really hard to match the level of hype already out there.

What do you think is coming with the Savitar reveal tonight on The Flash? Be sure to share some of your thoughts in the comments!

Meanwhile, be sure to visit the link here in the event you do want some other news when it comes to the show. (Photo: The CW.)

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